Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Spring Clean your Closet

Too many clothes and not a thing to wear? Winter coats sharing (too little) space with summer dresses? No matter how hard you try, you just can’t put it off any longer: Spring Cleaning! And while tackling dust bunnies isn’t so bad, trying to reorganize the chaos of your closet seems downright impossible. Here are a few words of wisdom...
Take everything out. Yep. Everything. It’s the best way to really clean the closet and start fresh.

Decide what to keep, what to donate and what to toss.
“Ask yourself, Does this fit me well? Does the style suit me? Do people compliment me on it?”

Ditch the skinny jeans you haven’t squeezed into in years. We know you have them!

Create a donation pile. Why throw away those designer duds, when you can CONSIGN! Make an appointment at Dress today pam@dressraleigh.com Let someone else share the glory of your clothes and make some $$ in the process!

Create a system you can live with. When you put clothes back in the closet, group them by type, with pants, blouses, dresses and so forth kept together.

Now that you have all that extra space from your Spring Cleaning...come on over to Dress and restock! Update your resume wardrobe without spending a fortune!


peace and love

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! I am actually excited to clean out my closet again! :) I also love to categorize my clothes by color and type... though they tend to get mixed up on busy days.

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